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Fig. 5 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 5

From: Plasmodium vivax merozoite-specific thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (PvMTRAP) interacts with human CD36, suggesting a novel ligand–receptor interaction for reticulocyte invasion

Fig. 5

Quantitative analysis of the interactions of MTRAP proteins with CD36 with a protein‒protein interaction analyzer. Serial dilutions of PvMTRAP (A) or PfMTRAP (B) were allowed to react with immobilized CD36-Fc on a chip, and only PvMTRAP and CD36-Fc formed a binding pattern. C The response in equilibrium was plotted against the related PvMTRAP concentration, and a KD of 37.0 ± 1.4 nM was calculated (coefficient of determination [r2] = 0.998). D PvDBP-RII and DARC were utilized as positive controls. The KD was presented as mean and SEM from three replicates

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