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Fig. 3 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 3

From: Efficacy of monthly treatment with oral fluralaner (Bravecto® 1-Month) against Tunga penetrans in dogs in Brazil: a randomized, double-blind, controlled field study

Fig. 3

Source: Personal archive

Evolution of the lesions through the study for dog 36 of the TG. a, b On day 0, the dog had multiple lesions caused by T. penetrans in stages II and III located on the pads (arrows). c On day 7, after treatment, the footpads no longer present any vital lesions; it is possible to observe lesions in stages IV and V in the anterior and posterior paws (arrows). d On day 21, the pads still remain without vital lesions. e, f On the 35th and 42th day of evaluation, respectively, the pads were free of T. penetrans lesions and completely re-epithelialized.

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