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Table 2 Steps in the implementation of the model

From: Prevalence and under-detection of gambiense human African trypanosomiasis during mass screening sessions in Uganda and Sudan


Step 1

Step 2


Estimate ρ (relative probability of attending screening among cases versus non-cases)

Estimate the true prevalence and the detected fraction

Geographical resolution

Each MSF project

Each screening session (results then totalled over each project)

Model inputs

Project-specific diagnostic accuracy parameters

Diagnostic accuracy parameters


N = 10 000, S1 = Uniform [1–50] and S2 = Uniform [1–50] (hypothetical values)

Observed N, c, S1,obs and S2,obs for the screening session


Observed βc (ratio of observed prevalence at coverage c to observed prevalence at coverage = 100%) for four coverage strata (5-24%, 25-44%, 45-64% and 65-84%)

ρ values estimated in Step 1 for each MSF project, sampled from their deviance distribution


Observed c values sampled from within each coverage stratum and for each project

Various candidate sets of S1 and S2 (true prevalent cases)


Various candidate ρ values


Model predicted outputs

βc for the same coverage strata (5-24%, 25-44%, 45-64% and 65-84%)

Number of observed cases (S1,pred and S2,pred)


Number of true positive cases among those observed (S1,TP,pred and S2,TP,pred)

Number of iterations

10 000 for each project and for each candidate ρ value

10 000 for each screening session and for each candidate set of S1 and S2

Fitting procedure

Predictions fitted against observed βc for the same coverage strata.

Predictions fitted against actual observed cases in screening session (S1,obs and S2,obs).


Observed βc estimated based on a statistical model of field data.

S1 and S2 candidate sets resulting in best-fitting S1,pred and S2,pred adopted as maximum likelihood estimates of true prevalence. Joint likelihood distribution informs confidence intervals.


Candidate ρ value resulting in best-fitting βc adopted as point estimate of ρ. Confidence interval based on squared deviance distribution.