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Table 4 Summary of WHO recommended control strategies and their status in Ethiopia, 2012

From: The burden of neglected tropical diseases in Ethiopia, and opportunities for integrated control and elimination


National Target

WHO recommended control strategy

Status in Ethiopia

Soil Transmitted Helminthes (STH) (Hookworm, Ascariasis and Trichuriasis)

To reduce morbidity due to STH to a level where it is no longer of public health significance.

Annual mass treatment of school age children and whole communities in high-prevalence areas

Deworming 2–5 year old children every six months nationwide


To reduce morbidity due to schistosomiasis to a level where it is no longer of public health significance.

Annual mass treatment of school age children and whole communities in high-prevalence areas

No active control program case management and MDA in few places

Lymphatic filariasis

To eliminate LF as a public health problem by 2020

Annual MDA to treat the entire population for a (currently undefined) period, to interrupt transmission

Annual MDA in identified endemic areas since 2009


To eliminate onchocerciasis as a public health problem by 2015

Vector control through spraying of larvicides and annual CDTI

CDTI since 2000


To control podoconiosis in Ethiopia

Under development; includes community-based treatment of cases consisting of foot hygiene, use of shoes, wound care, etc.

Community-based treatment of cases consisting of foot hygiene, use of shoes, wound care in few endemic places


To eliminate blinding trachoma through SAFE strategy by 2020

Surgery, antibiotic therapy, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement (SAFE) strategy

Surgery, antibiotic therapy, facial cleanliness and environmental improvement (SAFE) strategy

Human African trypanosomiasis

Cases were not reported since 1984

Case detection and treatment. Vector control through spraying, traps and targets



Eliminated from Ethiopia

Multidrug therapy

Multidrug therapy, reduce disability, early case detection


To control leishmaniasis in Ethiopia

Case detection and treatment and personal protection through use of mosquito nets

Case management in endemic areas


Eradication of Guinea worm in Ethiopia with certification by the international commission by 2015

Active case detection and containment, provision of water supply, abate application and use of cloth and pipe filters

Active case detection and containment, provision of safe water supply, abate application and use of cloth and pipe filters

Buruli ulcer

No target

Case detection, treatment and surgery

Case management


No target

Case detection and treatment, regular deworming of dogs, providing health information and inspecting meat.

Case management


No target

Controlling rabies in both wild and domestic animals; providing pre-exposure immunization to humans at occupational risk of contracting the disease; and on delivering post-exposure prophylaxis to potentially exposed patients

Post-exposure prophylaxis to potentially exposed patients.


No target

Preventive chemotherapy and case detection and treatment

Case management