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Table 3 Average percentage identity among the maxicircle DNA from five trypanosomatid species

From: Analysis of the mitochondrial maxicircle of Trypanosoma lewisi, a neglected human pathogen

Comparison of T. lewisi

Entire coding region


Extensively-edited genes


Non-edited genes

AAs of Non-edited genes

vs. T. cruzi

78.0 %

82.0 %

74.2 %

83.5 %

79.8 %

82.7 %

vs. T. rangeli

77.2 %

82.8 %

73.8 %

84.5 %



vs. T. brucei

74.1 %

81.8 %

61.7 %

79.4 %

77.2 %

78.4 %

vs. L. tarentolae

66.4 %

77.6 %

50.8 %b

78.4 %

75.5 %

74.4 %

  1. Entire coding region: starting from the 5’end of 12S rRNA to the 3’ end of ND5
  2. 5’-edited genes: Cyb, COII, MURF2
  3. Extensively-edited genes: ND9, ND8, ND7, COIII, ATPase6, GR3, GR4, RPS12
  4. Non-edited genes: MURF2/(ND2), ND1, COI, ND4, ND5
  5. Proteins: MURF (ND2), ND1, ND4, ND5, COI
  6. apresents gene ND1 was not included in the analysis of non-edited genes and proteins of T. rangeli due to the lack of complete sequence of this species
  7. bpresents gene COIII, ND7 and ATPase6 were not included in the analysis in L. tarentolae due to different RNA editing patterns