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Table 1 A summary of the number of Trichuris isolates, the host from which samples were recovered, the country of origin and sampling location(s)

From: Whipworms in humans and pigs: origins and demography

Host (host numbers)

Country (number of samples)

Sampled localities in each country (number of samples)


Domesticated pigs, Sus domesticus (10)

Uganda (18)

Villages ranged 30 Km apart in south west Kabale district (18)


Domesticated pigs, Sus domesticus (5)

China (14)

Guangdong Province (3), Fujian Province (3), ChongqingMunicipality (4), Hunan Province (4)

This study

Domesticated pigs, Sus domesticus (2)

Denmark (10)

Experimentally infected pigs with local strains of the parasite (10)


Domesticated pigs, Sus domesticus (2)

USA (10)

Experimentally infected pigs with local strains of the parasite (10)


Domesticated pigs, Sus domesticus (1–4)

Ecuador (6)

Quinidé and Súa Districts, Esmeraldas Province (6)


Domesticated pigs, Sus domesticus

China (1)


GenBank accession no: GU070737

Humans (12)

Uganda (17)

Villages ranged in south west of Kabale district (17)


Human (1)

China (2)

Unknown (2)


Humans (4)

Ecuador (12)

Quinidé and Súa Districts, Esmeraldas Province (12)



China (6)

Zhangjiang, Guangdong Province.

GenBank accession nos: GU385218, AM993017-AM993021

Baboons, Papiohamadryas (5)

Denmark (25)

Copenhagen Zoo (12),Knuthenborg Park (13)


Baboons, Papioanubis (2)

Baboon, Papioanubis/P. cynocephalus (1)

Baboon, Papioanubis/P. hamadryas (1)

USA (9)

USA (2)

USA (1)

Southwest National Primate Research Center (SNPRC) Texas (12)


African Green Monkey, Chlorocebussabaeus (4)

Saint Kitts (12)

Feral population (11)

This Study