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Fig. 6 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 6

From: Geographic variation in the response of Culex pipiens life history traits to temperature

Fig. 6

Simulated population dynamics and vectoral capacity for 100 larval Cx. pipiens mosquitoes. a The effect of temperature on the number of larvae emerging as adults and later becoming infectious biting adults, using the average model coefficients across all populations (Additional file 1: Tables S1–S5), and the relationship between temperature and time and the fraction of mosquitoes transmitting West Nile virus [44]. Each line color shows a cohort of 100 mosquitoes over time (hatching on day 0) at a specific temperature and line style indicates the mosquito life stage. Comparison of similar line types indicates the effect of temperature. At 35 °C all larval mosquitoes died before pupation. b Variation among populations and temperature on the number of infectious biting adults over time starting from 100 larvae on day 0, as in panel (a). Line color indicates temperature and line style indicates population. Note the difference in y-axis scales in panels (a) and (b)

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