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Table 1 Mean estimate and associated variance of the main life history traits of H. contortus

From: Meta-analysis of the parasitic phase traits of Haemonchus contortus infection in sheep


Larval establishment (E)

Adult mortality (μ)

Female fertility (F)

Population level fecundity (f)


Proportion of ingested larvae that develop into immature or adult worms

Proportion of adult worms that die per day

Mean number of eggs laid in sheep faeces by an adult female per day

Mean number of eggs counted per gram of faeces

Mean estimate

\( \frac{WB}{ID} \)

\( \frac{- ln\left(\frac{WB}{ID}\right)}{t} \)

\( \frac{ F E{ C}_n\ast DFP}{WB\ast {F}_p} \)



\( \frac{SE{(WB)}^2}{I{ D}^2} \)

\( \frac{SE{(WB)}^2}{{\left( t\ast WB\right)}^2} \)

\( \frac{DF{ P}^2}{F_p^2}\ast \frac{ F E{C_n}^2}{W{ B}^2}\ast \left(\frac{SE{\left( FE{C}_n\right)}^2}{ F E{C_n}^2}+\frac{SE{(WB)}^2}{W{ B}^2}\right) \)

SE (FEC n )

  1. Abbreviations: WB Worm burden, ID Infection dose, t days after infection, FEC n Faecal egg count at necropsy, DFP Daily faeces production, F p , proportion of female worms, SE Standard error