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Fig. 5 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 5

From: Wetland characteristics linked to broad-scale patterns in Culiseta melanura abundance and eastern equine encephalitis virus infection

Fig. 5

Generalized additive model (GAM) response curves depicting the relationship between the log odds of an EEEV positive Cs. melanura pool and 7 explanatory variables: (a) deciduous forested wetland; (b) evergreen forested wetland; (c) emergent wetland; (d) scrub/shrub wetland; (e) forested wetland size; (f) impervious surfaces; and (g) mean Cs. melanura abundance (Table 3). The percent of the total model deviance explained by each variable (%dev.) and associated P-values are listed in the upper right of each plot. Grey bands represent 95% confidence intervals (1.96*SE) on the estimated log odds of EEEV presence based on GAM predictions

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