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Table 2 Main parameters used in the bio-economic herd model. The indices i and b refer to the age-sex cattle class (calf, heifer, young male, cow, adult bull and adult ox) and breed respectively

From: Integrated cost-benefit analysis of tsetse control and herd productivity to inform control programs for animal African trypanosomiasis





m b

Milk yield for breed b (kg per lactation)

l b

Lactation length in breed b (days)

c b

Annual calving rate in breed b

w i,b

Live-weight of animals in class i and breed b, (kg)

Herd management

o i

Annual offtake rate of animals in class i


Draught yield of oxen (days per year)


Proportion of AAT deaths salvaged

Impact of AAT on productivity

r l

% reduction of milk production in animals affected by AAT

r f

% reduction in fertility in animals affected by AAT

r w

% reduction in live-weight in animals affected by AAT

r d

% reduction in draught power in animals affected by AAT

Incidence and mortality


Proportion of AAT cases successfully treated

δ s

Duration of symptoms when treatment succeeds, in days

δ f

Duration of symptoms when treatment fails (days)

f i

Fatality rate of AAT when treatment fails in animals of class i

μ i

Baseline mortality in animals of class i, i.e. when AAT incidence = 0