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Table 4 Output from Bayesian LCA to estimate the sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests. The mean estimate for each parameter is shown, with 95% Bayesian Credible Intervals (BCI) shown in parentheses. Analysis was performed separately for CCA trace as negative (left) and CCA trace as positive (right). The covariance terms inputted into each model were selected by comparing the DIC’s of models with differing covariance terms added (see Additional file 1: Table S1). The PPV of CCA performed in Burundi was calculated using the equations described in the methods

From: Latent class analysis to evaluate performance of point-of-care CCA for low-intensity Schistosoma mansoni infections in Burundi


CCA trace negative (%) (95% BCI)

CCA trace positive (%) (95%BCI)


 Kato-Katz in Burundi

15.9 (9.2–23.5)

15.0 (9.6–21.4)

 CCA in Burundi

61.1 (49.9–71.9)

91.5 (85.8–96.0)

 CCA in Leiden

79.5 (67.7–89.4)

72.0 (62.5–80.5)

 CAA in Leiden

90.3 (84.5–95.0)

91.8 (85.0–96.9)

 Covariance CCAL & CAA

0.6 (0.0–1.5)


 Covariance CCAB & CCAL


0.3 (0.0–0.7)


 Kato-Katz in Burundi

97.1 (94.5–99.1)

97.5 (95.2–99.3)

 CCA in Burundi

98.7 (96.6–99.9)

72.3 (65.6–78.7)

 CCA in Leiden

97.3 (94.7–99.2)

96.8 (93.9–98.8)

 CAA in Leiden

74.6 (68.3–81.2)

85.3 (79.3–91.1)

 Covariance CCAL & CAA

0.4 (0.0–1.1)


 Covariance CCAB & CCAL


0.3 (0.0–0.8)

PPV of CCA in Burundi (95% BCI)

 Trace as negative

95.8 (89.4–99.6)

 Trace as positive

69.4 (61.7–7.1)

 Trace results only

52.2 (37.8–5.8)