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Table 3 Reasons given for taking or not taking drugs in the December 2011 MDA campaign

From: Lymphatic filariasis control in Tanzania: infection, disease perceptions and drug uptake patterns in an endemic community after multiple rounds of mass drug administration


No. of respondents (%)

Did you take the tablets in the 2011 MDA campaign? (n = 737)


573 (77.7)


164 (22.3)

Why did you take the tablets? (n = 573)

 Prevent getting LF

469 (81.8)

 Abiding leaders’ instructions

56 (9.8)

 Other benefits of the drugs

12 (2.1)

 Drugs given free of charge

6 (1.0)

 Other people taking the drugs

3 (0.5)

 No reason given

27 (4.7)

Why you did not take the tablets? (n = 164)

 Absent during the distribution

75 (45.7)

 Drugs not distributed

8 (4.9)

 Drugs contraindicated to me

9 (5.5)

 Not informed about distribution time

27 (16.5)

 Dislike the tablets

2 (1.2)

 Afraid of side effects

4 (2.4)

 I don’t have LF (tablets are for those with LF)

19 (11.6)

 No reason given

20 (12.2)