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Table 1 Main questions (and sub-elements) concerning wildlife mange

From: International meeting on sarcoptic mange in wildlife, June 2018, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA


(i) What are the transmission dynamics of S. scabiei in wildlife?

 Temporal dynamics (epidemic, endemic, contemporary and historical)

 Significance for species conservation

 Pandemic or globally endemic

 Species dynamics (single or multi-species)

 Wildlife-domestic animals-human interface

 Ecosystem level consequences

(ii) What is the biogeographical history of S. scabiei?

 Native range / origins

 Pathways of spread: unintentional (e.g. trade, colonization) and intentional (e.g. host population control)

 Ecological (e.g. host distribution), climatic (e.g. temperature, humidity) and geographic barriers (e.g. oceans, mountains)

(iii) What is the variation in modes of transmission for S. scabiei in wildlife?

 Intra-specific interactions (spatial and temporal variation)

 Inter-specific interactions (trophic, sympatry)

 Environmental effects

 Mite lineages / strains

(iv) What is the feasibility and anticipated effectiveness of intervention strategies in wildlife?

 Methodological (individual level, population level, environmental)


 Indirect impacts

(v) When should intervention strategies for mange be considered in wildlife?

 Conservation concerns

 Ethical/welfare concerns

 Public health and domestic animal (agricultural and companion) concerns

 Ecological role of the parasite in nature (e.g. natural selection)

(vi) What shapes the variation of disease severity at intra-specific and inter-specific levels?

 The role of co-infections

 Variation in immune response (e.g. immunological pathways influencing disease progression or control, ordinary vs crusted mange)

 Environmental factors