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Table 1 Parameters used in the mosquito demographic simulations

From: Modelling the impact of insecticide-based control interventions on the evolution of insecticide resistance and disease transmission



Default value (range)

θ e

Duration of the egg stage (days)


\( {\rho}_e^{fj} \) (\( {\rho}_e^{mj}\Big) \)

Proportion of female (male) eggs of genotype j that survive one day

0.72 (0–1)

θ l

Duration of the larval stage (days)


\( {\rho}_l^{fj} \) (\( {\rho}_l^{mj} \))

Density-independent proportion of female (male) larvae of genotype j that survive one day

0.94 (0–1)


Total larval resources availability (arbitrary units)

0.25 × 108 (1 × 106 – 0.33 × 1011)

\( {c}_i^{fj} \) (\( {c}_i^{mj} \))

Effect of larval competition on female (male) larvae of genotype j in stage i

0.67 (0–1)

\( {\omega}_i^{fj} \) (\( {\omega}_i^{mj} \))

Relative resource consumption of female (male) larvae of genotype j in stage i

0.67 (0–1)

θ p

Duration of the pupal stage (days)


\( {\rho}_p^{fj} \) \( \left({\rho}_p^{mj}\right) \)

Proportion of female (male) pupae of genotype j that survive one day

0.55 (0–1)


Duration of the resting period of the gonotrophic cycle of a female adult mosquito (days)


H j

Proportion of adult females of genotype j that find a host and successfully feed while seeking per day

0.67 (0–1)

\( {\rho}_s^{fj} \)

Proportion of adult females of genotype j that survive while host-seeking per day

0.71 (0–1)

\( {\rho}_n^{fj} \)

Proportion of adult females of genotype j that survive while resting per day

0.96 (0–1)

\( {\rho}_d^{mj} \)

Proportion of male adults of genotype j that survive one day

0.5 (0–1)

β j

Number of eggs laid per oviposit by female mosquitoes of genotype j


σ k

Mating viability of a male of genotype k. 0 < σk ≤ 1



Proportion of eggs that are female


  1. The superscripts, m and f denote males and females; j and k denote genotype and can be any of SS, representing homozygous susceptible, RS, representing heterozygous, and RR, representing homozygous resistant. Default parameter values are identical for males and females when applicable. The range gives, where applicable, the values used in the sensitivity analysis and define the limits of a triangular (with mode 0.85) for all parameters except c, ω and Z that follow a uniform distribution. Parameter choice and supporting citations are provided and discussed in Additional file 3