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Table 3 Potentially pathogenic genera found in the microbiome of 76 ticks obtained from 48 animals

From: Combination of microbiome analysis and serodiagnostics to assess the risk of pathogen transmission by ticks to humans and animals in central Germany

OTU (n)

PCR confirmation (n)

Host species (n)

Spirochaetaceae (n = 13)

B. garinii (n = 1); B. miyamotoi (n = 3)

Roe deer (n = 6); dog (n = 4); boar (n = 1)

Bartonella spp. (n = 4)

B. schoenbuchensis (n = 3)

Roe deer (n = 3)

Rickettsia spp. (n = 15)

R. helvetica (n = 9)

Roe deer (n = 10); raccoon (n = 1); dog (n = 2); boar (n = 1)

Coxiella spp. (n = 3)

C. burnetii found

Dog (n = 2), raccoon (n = 1)

Francisella spp. (n = 1)

F. tularensis (n = 1)

Dog (n = 1)

Anaplasma spp. (n = 15)

A. phagocytophilum (n = 12)

Roe deer (n = 10); dog (n = 1); boar (n = 1)

Staphylococcus spp. (n = 8)

Not conducted

Dog (n = 5); boar (n = 2); raccoon (n = 1)