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Table 2 Simulation scenarios. All scenarios were run assuming low (< 20%), medium (25–30%) and high (60–70%) STH prevalences in the source village. All scenarios were run for A. lumbricoides and hookworm. MDA scenarios were run with once- and twice-yearly community-wide treatment (75% coverage of all age groups except infants, random compliance) and with treatment of pre-SAC and SAC only (75% coverage, random compliance, treatment frequency according to WHO guidelines)

From: Human population movement can impede the elimination of soil-transmitted helminth transmission in regions with heterogeneity in mass drug administration coverage and transmission potential between villages: a metapopulation analysis

Frequency of travel

Re-introduction of STH by travellers after elimination

Travel during and after MDA

Single event

Main traveller group: young adults (15–35 years-old)


Main traveller group: children < 15 years-old



Main traveller group: young adults (15–35 years-old)

Main traveller group: young adults (15–35 years-old)

Treatment: community-wide, once a year


Main traveller group: young adults (15–35 years-old)

Treatment: community-wide, twice a year


Main traveller group: young adults (15–35 years-old)

Treatment: pre-SAC and SAC only, frequency following WHO guidelines

Main traveller group: children < 15 years-old
