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Table 4 Summary of a factor analysis to assess the dependency of variables that revealed statistical significance in the bivariable generalized linear mixed modelling including “Age” (years) as effect modifier and “Zoo” as random effects variable in modeling Toxoplasma gondii-seropositivity in wild felids in human care (Table 3, detailed information in Additional file 7: Tables S6–S8)

From: Toxoplasma gondii in small exotic felids from zoos in Europe and the Middle East: serological prevalence and risk factors

Factor analysis models (phase of analysis)


Not excluded from further analysis

Excluded from further analysis (reason for exclusion)

Model 1 (initial)


Feeding: mice

Feeding: rodents, Feeding: fowl (lower statistical significance in bivariable risk factor analysis than Feeding: mice)


Feeding: cattle

Feeding: ruminants (lower statistical significance in bivariable risk factor analysis than Feeding: cattle)


Breeding: litters within 1 year

Breeding: litters within 5 years (lower statistical significance in bivariable risk factor analysis than Breeding: litters within 1 year)


Housing: mesh size

General health: rabies vaccination (lower biological relevance than Housing: mesh size)

Model 2 (subsequent)


Feeding: cattle

Breeding: litters within 1 year (lower biological relevance than Feeding: cattle)

Model 3 (subsequent)


Feeding: mice

Deworming interval: month (lower biological relevance than Feeding: mice)

  1. Notes: Variables with absolute loadings > 0.4 in factor analysis (Additional file 7: Tables S6-S8) were regarded as dependent. The initial model (Model 1) included all statistically significant variables in the bivariable analysis. The subsequent models (Models 2, 3) included only variables that were not excluded on the basis of the results obtained in the initial factor analysis model