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Table 1 Procedures for transcriptome sequencing, data analysis and validation

From: Transcriptomic analysis of reproductive damage in the epididymis of male Kunming mice induced by chronic infection of Toxoplasma gondii PRU strain

Experimental procedure

Experimental method or threshold considered

Extraction of total RNA

Trizol reagent (Invitrogen, CA, USA)

Quality and purity detection of total RNA

RNA 6000 Nano LabChip Kit (Agilent, CA, USA) with RIN number > 7.0

cDNA library construction

The cleaved mRNA fragments were reverse-transcribed to create the final cDNA library by the instructions of the mRNA-Seq sample preparation kit (Illumina, San Diego, USA)

Sample library construction

Illumina Hiseq 2500 sequencing platform

Transcript abundance estimation

The RPKM of each gene were calculated by the MARS model in DEGseq program, when the RPKM greater than 1000, it is considered to be a highly expressed gene

Threshold of differentially expressed genes

FDR (false discovery rate) < 0.001 and |log2fold change| ≥ 1

Bioinformatics analysis

GO and KEGG enrichment

Verification of mRNA expression level

Real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR

Verification of protein expression level

Western blot