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Table 1 Demographics, history and clinical examination findings of the selected study population (n = 247)

From: Variation in disease phenotype is marked in equine trypanosomiasis


Study population

(N = 247)


(N = 141)


(N = 106)

Demographic data

 Age (years), median (IQ range)

6 (2.5–12.0)

6 (2.5–10.0)

8 (2.5–14.0)

 Female, n/N (%)

144/247 (58)

81/141 (57)

63/106 (59)

 Male, n/N (%)

103/247 (42)

60/141 (43)

43/106 (41)

 Estimated weight (kg), median (IQ range)

150 (120–225)

121 (110–145)

240 (200–260)


 No veterinary treatment > 1 year, n/N (%)

130/247 (53)

94/141 (67)

36/106 (34)

 No trypanocidal treatment for > 1 year, n/N (%)

149/247 (60)

105/141 (74)

44/106 (42)

 Presented only for health check, n/N (%)

68/226 (30)

49/133 (37)

19/93 (20)

 Abortion, n/N (%)

35/144 (24)

17/81 (21)

18/63 (29)

 Diarrhoea, n/N (%)

10/247 (4)

1/141 (1)

9/106 (8)

 Recent/ recurrent colic, n/N (%)

4/247 (2)

1/141 (1)

3/106 (3)

Body condition score (0–5/5), median (IQ range)

1.5 (1.5–2.0)

1.5 (1.5–2.0)

1.5 (1.0–1.5)

 0.5, n/N (%)

18/243 (7)

2/139 (1)

16/104 (15)

 1, n/N (%)

42/243 (17)

19/139 (14)

23/104 (22)

 1.5, n/N (%)

109/243 (45)

61/139 (44)

48/104 (46)

 ≥ 2.0, n/N (%)

74/243 (30)

57/139 (41)

17/104 (17)


 BAR, n/N (%)

40/224 (18)

28/124 (22)

12/100 (13)

 QAR, n/N (%)

136/224 (61)

74/124 (58)

62/100 (65)

 Dull, n/N (%)

48/224 (21)

22/124 (17)

26/100 (27)


 Temperature (°C), median (IQ range)

38.1 (37.7–38.6)

38.2 (37.8–38.7)

37.8 (37.4–38.5)

 Pulse (bpm), median (IQ range)

56 (48–64)

60 (52–68)

48 (42–60)

 Respiration (bpm), median (IQ range)

32 (24–46)

38 (28–48)

30 (24–40)

 Haematocrit (%), median (IQ range)

22 (18–24)

21 (16–24)

22 (19–25)

 Total plasma protein (g/l), median (IQ range)

78 (70–88)

80 (72–88)

78 (70–88)

  1. Notes: Data are presented as median values (interquartile range) or proportions (percentages)
  2. Abbreviations: BAR, bright, alert and responsive; QAR, quiet, alert and responsive; IQ, interquartile, n, number of animals with variable present; N, number of animals with variable measured; bpm, breaths or beats per minute