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Fig. 4 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 4

From: Molecular signatures of the rediae, cercariae and adult stages in the complex life cycles of parasitic flatworms (Digenea: Psilostomatidae)

Fig. 4

Inter- and intraspecific comparisons of life cycle stages based on the activity of expressed genes. a-c Comparison of orthologues expression in the redia, cercaria and adult stages of P. simillimum, S. pseudoglobulus and F. gigantica. Color scale represents similarity between stages based on the expression of orthologous genes (Jaccard similarity score). Numbers of orthologous genes with stage-specific expression are shown in each cell of the plots. d Activity of metabolic pathways in the redia, cercaria and adult stages of P. simillimum. Color scale represents the percent of active enzymes, where maximum number among the stages is taken as 100 percent. Pathways that show more than 20% fluctuation in the number of active enzymes are shown. e Confocal microscopy image of P. simillimum rediae with developing cercariae embryos. Nuclei are labelled with DAPI, nervous system is labelled with antibodies against 5HT and FMRFamide. f, g Expression of genes that encode Wnt secreted ligands in three species of Digenea. Color scales represent the log2(TPM+1) values. h Expression dynamics of the homeobox-containing transcription factors is highly conserved between P. simillimum and S. pseudoglobulus. Color scale represents the log2(TPM+1) values

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