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Table 1 Bovine cysticercosis high-risk areas within nine Brazilian states

From: Systematic review and meta-analysis of bovine cysticercosis in Brazil: current knowledge and way forward



Areas with higher risk



PM inspection

101 municipalities located at Itapetinga, Litoral Sul, Médio Rio de Contas, Vitória da Conquista and Extremo Sul territories

Bavia et al. [33]

Espírito Santo

PM inspection

Counties: Ecoporanga, Linhares, Presidente Kennedy and Itapemirim

Avelar et al. [28]


PM inspection

The Central mesoregion was considered as the one with the highest prevalence and the microregions of Goiânia, Anápolis, Pires do Rio, Vale do Rio dos Bois, Meia Ponte e Anicuns (OR > 5)

Aquino et al. [22]

São Paulo

PM inspection

Highest prevalence in regions Central, Ribeirão Preto and Presidente Prudente; higher probability of finding infected animals in regions of Araçatuba, Barretos, Bauru, Franca and Sorocaba

Ferreira et al. [39]

PM inspection

Higher risk in the administrative regions São José do Rio Preto and Campinas

Rossi et al. [25]


PM inspection

Municipalities of Campo Largo, Capanema, Rosário do Ivaí, Japira, Joaquim Távora, Laranjeiras do Sul, Rio Bonito do Iguaçu, Palmas, Saudades do Iguaçu and Antônio Olinto

Souza et al. [45]

PM inspection

Higher prevalence in nucleus of Curitiba, Francisco Beltrão and Irati; higher OR in nucleus of União da Vitória, Francisco Beltrão and Irati

Guimarães-Peixoto et al. [29]

Mato Grosso

PM inspection

Highest OR in the administrative regions Sinop, Barra do Garças, Água Boa, Cáceres, Barra do Bugres, Cuiabá, Pontes Lacerda, Rondonópolis, Matupa, São Félix do Araguaia and Lucas do Rio Verde

Rossi et al. [21]

Mato Grosso do Sul

PM inspection

Higher risk in the administrative regions Amambai, Navirai, Nova Andradina, Dourados, Três Lagoas, Campo Grande, Ponta Porã, Costa Rica, Aquidauana and Coxim

Pereira et al. [23]

PM inspection

Municipalities of Dourados and Santa Rita do Rio Pardo

Concenço et al. [60]


ELISA and immunoblot

Higher prevalence in animals in Borborema, Agreste/Zona da Mata and Sertão

Maia et al. [27]


PM inspection

Higher risk in the administrative regions Porto Velho, Guajará-Mirim, Colorado D’Oeste, Cacoal, Ji-Paraná

Alves et al. [24]