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Table 1 Covariates considered to model the risk factors for Aedes mosquito infestation and abundance at hotel compounds in Zanzibar

From: Risk factors for occurrence and abundance of Aedes aegypti and Aedes bromeliae at hotel compounds in Zanzibar

Habitat characteristics




Plastic containers, Coconut shell, Steel container, Ceramic pot/flowerpot, Glass container, Tree hole, Concrete tank, Fibreglass container, Aluminium foil containers, Mollusc shell, Others

Type of natural or man-made water-holding item, artefact, utensil, etc., found with Aedes larvae/pupae or containing water quantity capable of sustaining mosquito immature stages (egg, larva, pupa) for at least 3 days


Garden/open spaces, plant nursery, staff room quarters, solid waste dumpsite/collection area, workshop/laundry, kitchen area, office/administration area, road/pathway, guest quarters, bar/restaurant/lobby, sewage treatment network, other

Geographical space within the hotel compound where mosquito larval habitats have been found


Discarded, gardening, cooking/washing, decoration, well/water collection, construction, AC drainage, septic tank/soak-away, wastewater management, other

Actual daily use or purpose of the item found with mosquito larva or pupa


Small (< 1 m2), medium (1–5 m2), large (> 5 m2)

Estimated size in square metres occupied by larval habitat

Sun exposure

Not exposed, exposed half the day, exposed more than half the day

Amount of time the habitat has been exposed to sunlight

Organic mattera

With organic matter, without organic matter

Presence of organic matter debris in the habitat


With vegetation, without vegetation

Presence of floating, submerged, emerged vegetation


Rainy, dry

Rainy season (April–May/June; November and December); dry season (January–March; July–October)

  1. aVirtually all habitats found positive for larva/pupae contained visible organic matter. Therefore, this variable was not considered in the risk factor modelling as its association with mosquito was obvious