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Fig. 2 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 2

From: Zika virus and temperature modulate Elizabethkingia anophelis in Aedes albopictus

Fig. 2

Estimation of relative abundance of bacterial taxa in individual Ae. albopictus midguts and association of differently abundant microbial genera with ZIKV infection status. a Each stacked bar plot illustrates the taxa distribution at the species level for individual Ae. albopictus midguts. The NIBM represent non-infectious blood meal, and IBM are ZIKV-infected BM that acquired an infection, while sugar-fed individuals (non-blood-fed, NBF) were not exposed to blood meal. The L temperature regimen represents day 28 °C and night 24 °C, while M represents day 30 °C and night 26 °C. Elizabethkingia anophelis albopictus was abundant among the L temperature regime of NIBM-exposed midguts, as well as in the midguts exposed to IBM. b The taxa bar plot is further separated into the L temperature regimen represented by D28N24 (day 28 °C and night 24 °C), and the M temperature regimen represented by D30N26 (day 30 °C/night 26 °C). c Mean decrease accuracy is reported for each of the taxa. This measure is obtained by removing the relationship of a taxa and measuring the increase in error. The taxa with highest mean decrease in accuracy is considered to have the highest association with the state. Elizabethkingia anophelis albopictus was found to be present in high amounts in the midguts exposed to IBM

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