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Fig. 6 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 6

From: Evaluation of anti-malaria potency of wild and genetically modified Enterobacter cloacae expressing effector proteins in Anopheles stephensi

Fig. 6

Inhibition of P. berghei development in An. stephensi by WT and transgenic E. cloacae strains. Anopheles stephensi mosquitoes were fed on 5% (wt/vol) fructose solution + red food dye supplemented with either phosphate-buffered saline (control) or with WT or transgenic E. cloacae strains in five groups. After 8 h, the five groups of mosquitoes were fed on the same P. berghei-infected mice. Oocyst numbers were determined 10 days after the infected blood meal. Data were pooled from four biological replicates. Each dot denotes the oocyst number of an individual midgut, and horizontal lines show mean values. %inhibition refers to the inhibition of oocyst formation relative to the control. Mean refers to the mean oocyst number per midgut. Median refers to the median oocyst number per midgut. N is the number of mosquitoes analyzed. Prevalence refers to the percentage of mosquitoes carrying at least one oocyst. Range refers to the range of oocyst numbers per midgut. TBP: 100 − {(prevalence of mosquitoes fed with transgenic E. cloacae)/[prevalence of control (− Bacteria) mosquitoes] × 100}. Inhibition refers to the inhibition of oocyst formation relative to the control. Abbreviations: Cont, control group without bacteria; Wild, E. cloacae WT; HasA, E. cloacaeHasA; Scor., E. cloacaeS−HasA; Def., E. cloacaeGFP−D; TBP, transmission blocking potential

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