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Table 4 Retrospective analysis 2: Overview of the purchasing patterns observed in practices that sold flea and tick (FT) products and heartworm (HW) preventives separately, i.e., did not use combination products

From: Retrospective analyses of heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) disease and ectoparasite preventive medication compliance in veterinary practices in the USA

Purchasing pattern (abbreviation)

Purchasing pattern (definition)

FT only

The dogs received FT medication at any time, but no HW preventative during the observation period

HW only

The dogs received HW preventive(s) at any time, but no FT medication during the observation period

FT only + HW only

The dogs received FT and HW preventives on different days during the observation period

FT-HW pair

The dogs received FT and HW preventives on the same day

FT-HW pair + FT only

The dogs received FT and HW preventives on the same day and additional FT medication on another day

FT-HW pair + HW only

The dogs received FT and HW preventives on the same day and additional HW preventive(s) on another day

FT-HW pair + FT only + HW only

The dogs received FT and HW medication on the same day and additional FT and HW preventives on different days

  1. Each purchasing pattern was handled as a single cohort and results were recorded for each cohort separately