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Table 5 Mean tick counts and tick-killing efficacy after BravectoTM treatment conducted in Study 3

From: A quantitative evaluation of the extent of fluralaner uptake by ticks (Ixodes ricinus, Ixodes scapularis) in fluralaner (BravectoTM) treated vs. untreated dogs using the parameters tick weight and coxal index

Assessment timea

Mean tick countsb [n] (control/treated)

Efficacy [%] (I. ricinus)

Week 1

34.2/0c (34.3/0)

100 (100)

Week 4

40.9/0c (41.0/0)

100 (100)

Week 8

38.6/0.2c (38.7/0.3)

99.5 (99.1)

Week 12

38.5/2.1c (38.7/2.2)

94.6 (94.4)

  1. aEfficacy assessment either 48 (±2) hours after treatment (week 1) or 48 (±2) hours after re-infestation (week 4, 8 and 12)
  2. bGeometric mean results; in parenthesis () the arithmetic mean results are given
  3. cLog-transformed live tick count in the treated group is significantly different from negative control (p < 0.0001)