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Table 2 Summary of clinical presentation and diagnostic investigation of affected dogs from Essex

From: Emergence of Babesia canis in southern England

Name (Case number)


Date of original presentation

Clinical presentation

Blood worka

Diagnostic investigation by APHAb

Bud (1)

8.3 year old male Staffordshire Bull Terrier


Dull, refusing food with pale mucous membranes

RBC: 4.55;

Hb: 11.1;

HCT: 32%

Blood smear negative;

PCR positive

Mishka (2)

3.8 year old female Siberian Husky


Dull, weak with pale mucous membranes. Confirmed Babesia-positive by commercial laboratory.

RBC: 2.11;

Hb: 4.8;

HCT: 12.5%

Not tested

Ruby (3)

9 year old female black Labrador



RBC: 4.41; Hb: 11;

HCT: 31%

Blood smear negative; PCR negative. A tick removed from the dog was positive by PCR

Bertie (4)

5.5 year old male Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


Dull, listless with anorexia

RBC: 4.43;

Hb: 11.6;

HCT: 33%

Blood smear positive; PCR positive

Ollie (5)

10.6 year old male Cocker Spaniel


Weak, dark urine, anorexia and pale mucous membranes

RBC: 4.1;

Hb: 9;

HCT: 27.7%

Blood smear positive; PCR positive. An engorged tick removed from the dog was positive by PCR

  1. aReference ranges: red blood cell count (RBC): 4.95–7.87; haemoglobin (Hb): 11.9–18.9, haematocrit (HCT): 36–55%
  2. bBlood samples were tested by Giemsa staining of a blood smear or by pan–piroplasm PCR (see Methods section)