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Table 1 Anopheles mosquitoes caught in reactive case detection households indoors and outdoors by CDC light traps and pyrethrum spray collection in Arjo Didessa, southwestern Ethiopia, November 2019–October 2021

From: Higher outdoor mosquito density and Plasmodium infection rates in and around malaria index case households in low transmission settings of Ethiopia: Implications for vector control

Household type

PSC indoor, n (%)

CDC-LTs indoor, n (%)

CDC LT outdoor, n (%)

Total n (%)

Mean per HH (± SEM)


15 (1.9)

24 (3.2)

102 (13.2)

141 (18.3)

1.17 ± (0.33)


17 (2.2)

132 (17.2)

299 (38.8)

448 (58.1)

0.9 ± (0.14)


13 (1.7)

36 (4.6)

132 (17.2)

181 (23.6)

0.58 ± (0.13)

Grand total

45 (5.8)

192 (25.0)

533 (69.2)


0.82 ± (0.10)

  1. Numbers in parentheses are the percentage calculated from the total number of anopheline mosquitoes collected by both methods
  2. CDC-LTs U.S. Centers for Disease and Prevention light traps, HHs household, PSC pyrethrum spray catch, SEM standard error of the mean