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Table 5 Prevalence of A. phagocytophilum and Borrelia spp. in female I. ricinus from single and multiple infested dogs and cats

From: Frequency of Anaplasma phagocytophilum, Borrelia spp., and coinfections in Ixodes ricinus ticks collected from dogs and cats in Germany


No. of dogs harboring positive ticks %

No. of positive ticks from dogs %

No. of cats harboring positive ticks %

No. of positive ticks from cats %

A. phagocytophilum

 Single infestation

93/535 (17.4)

93/535 (17.4)

89/371 (24.0)

89/371 (24.0)

 Multiple infestation

152/474 (32.1)

192/965 (19.9)

273/527 (51.8)

375/1129 (33.2%)


245/1009 (24.3)

285/1500 (19.0)

362/898 (40.3)

464/1500 (30.9)

Borrelia sp.

 Single infestation

130/535 (24.3)

130/535 (24.3)

184/371 (49.6)

184/371 (49.6)

 Multiple infestation

243/474 (51.3)

297/965 (30.8)

417/527 (79.1)

643/1129 (57.0)


373/1009 (37.0)

427/1500 (28.5)

601/898 (66.9)

827/1500 (55.1)