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Filipe Dantas-Torres, PhD, EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Parasitology
Aggeu Magalhães Institute
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz

Aims and scope

Parasites & Vectors publishes articles on the biology of parasites, parasitic diseases, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens. Manuscripts published in this journal will be available to all worldwide, with no barriers to access, immediately following acceptance. Read more

Featured collections

Artificial intelligence, parasites, and parasitic diseases

This collection is dedicated to articles reporting the use of AI in parasitology research. We particularly welcome articles dealing with parasitic disease diagnosis, parasite and vector identification as well as those reporting the prospection of drugs and vaccine candidates. 

Primers on parasites and vectors

Guest Editor: Anthony J Walker

Primers provide short, authoritative and accessible accounts that explore the basic/applied biology of selected parasites, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens. Primers integrate fundamental aspects of parasite or vector biology with recent, cutting-edge research findings and a discussion of future research needs. Each Primer also includes a downloadable/printable poster.

Historical aspects of parasitology

The reviews presented in this series explore the history of parasitology in a fascinating journey through the main scientific discoveries and breakthroughs in the discipline.

Elimination of infectious diseases of poverty as a key contribution to achieving the SDGs

This cross journal series aims to demonstrate the validity of communicable disease elimination as a key contributor to achieving Universal Health Coverage and the SDGs. It therefore welcomes articles that provide evidence of its wide impact on public health and beyond, on addressing inequities, on the cost-effectiveness of integrated implementation and resulting efficiency gains, underscoring its value as a global good. 

Contribution of climate change to the spread of infectious diseases

Cross-journal collection

This collection brings together in one place articles outlining infectious diseases (and their vectors) that are likely to spread or are already spreading across borders due to the effects of climate change. The impact of policy implementation or interventions designed to contain the spread infectious disease, and studies that could inform future global policy or practical solutions are very much welcome.

Human migration, conflict and infectious diseases

Cross-journal collection

This article collection will bring together research, case reports and viewpoints to strengthen understanding on the risks posed by infectious disease and effective and appropriate public health responses during times of armed conflict and forced migration. 

Food security and sustainability from a microbiology perspective

Food security is a complex problem: to maintain agricultural productivity on degrading lands and in the face of water scarcity, or to achieve increased agricultural productivity and sustainable food production, many questions need to be answered and solutions need to be tested and implemented. This collection covers various aspects of maintaining or enhancing food production, sustainability and security can be tackled from a microbiology perspective.


Parasites & Vectors Editorial Style Guide

The Parasites & Vectors Editorial Style Guide is intended to provide authors with clear, consistent guidelines for writing manuscripts for submission to Parasites & Vectors. Correct formatting according to these guidelines will not only increase the overall quality of data presentation, but also expedite final decisions and the production time of accepted manuscripts. 

Download the Parasites & Vectors Editorial Style Guide

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Heartworm Disease: Today’s Discoveries, Tomorrow’s Practice

This thematic series comprises papers submitted in relation to the 2022 Triennial Symposium of the American Heartworm Society, New Orleans, United States, 8th â€“ 11th September 2022. You can find all the new papers in the collection here.

17th & 18th Symposium on Companion Vector-Borne Diseases (CVBD)

This thematic series comprises papers submitted in relation to the 17th Symposium of the CVBD® World Forum, Lisbon, Portugal, 24th â€“ 25th September 2023  as well as the 18th Symposium of the CVBD® World Forum held in Marrakech, Morocco, 22nd – 25th April 2024. You can find the papers as they publish here.

Pan-European tick distributions: where are they now, and where are they going?

This new collection was created for veterinarians, parasitologists and researchers to provide a substantial amount of scientific information around current and projected future tick occurrences at a European-level, along with precise country-level data. You can read the papers in the collection here.

Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 3.0
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 3.3
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.137
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.967

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 4
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 82

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 4,110,661
    Altmetric mentions: 5,998

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