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Table 1 Characteristics and parasitological findings of the study population enrolled in seven schools in rural Honduras ( n = 320)

From: School hygiene and deworming are key protective factors for reduced transmission of soil-transmitted helminths among schoolchildren in Honduras



Age -mean (SD)

9.76 (1.4)


154 (48.1%)

Household conditions


Earthen floor (complete or partial) (n = 317)a

118 (37.2%)

Electricity service

158 (49.8%)

Sanitary facility available

280 (87.5%)

Access to piped water

276 (86.3%)

Practices and STH history


Habitual or occasional open defecation

91 (28.4%)

Reported regular handwashing

287 (89.7%)

Walked outdoor without shoes

163 (50.9%)

Performed chores outdoor

62 (19.4%)

Reported expelling worms in the past

186 (58.1%)

Recalled previous deworming (n = 310)b

275 (88.7%)

Socio-economic status ( n = 317)c



75 (23.7%)

Very poor

58 (18.3%)


61 (19.2%)

Less poor

60 (18.9%)

Least poor

63 (19.9%)

Awareness and knowledge about STH


Lowest awareness

89 (27.8%)

Lower awareness

137 (42.8%)

Higher awareness

22 (6.9%)

Highest awareness

72 (22.5%)

School hygienic conditions d


Higher level

135 (42.2%)

School deworming schedule


None or once a year

246 (76.9%)

Twice a year

74 (23.1%)

Parasitic profile


Overall prevalence of STH infections

232 (72.5%)

Ascaris lumbricoides

97 (30.3%)

Trichuris trichiura

214 (66.9%)


51 (15.9%)

Mixed infections (n = 232)

103 (44.4%)

Moderate-to-heavy infections by Ascaris lumbricoides (n = 97)

58 (59.8%)

Moderate-to-heavy infections by Trichuris trichiura (n = 214)

57 (26.6%)

Moderate-to-heavy infections by hookworms (n = 51)

3 (5.9%)

  1. STH: soil-transmitted helminth.
  2. aThree children did not recall type of floor at home.
  3. bTen children did not recall receiving previous deworming treatment.
  4. cThree missing cases. Socio-economic status score was calculated for 317 children.
  5. dSchools obtaining a scores >6 out 10 were considered having higher level of hygiene.