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Table 4 Demographic characteristics of the study population and their reported drug uptake in relation to their LF infection status

From: Lymphatic filariasis transmission in Rufiji District, southeastern Tanzania: infection status of the human population and mosquito vectors after twelve rounds of mass drug administration


No. (%) of total

No. (%) with CFA

χ2-value (P-value)

No (%)a with hydrocele

χ2-value (P-value)

No (%) with elephantiasis

χ2-value (P-value)

Gender (n = 854)


481 (56.3)

8 (1.6)

3.921 (0.048)

23 (4.8)


18 (3.7)

2.573 (0.109)


373 (43.7)

1 (0.3)


7 ( 1.9)


Age groups in years (n = 854)

 ≤ 29

450 (52.7)

4 (0.9)

0.248 (0.618)

5 (2.0)

8.723 (0.003)

13 (2.9)

0.005 (0.944)

 ≥ 30

404 (47.3)

5 (1.2)


18 (7.8)


12 (3.0)


Reported drug uptake in previous MDAs (n = 854)


704 (82.4)

4 (0.6)

8.723 (0.003)

9 (2.4)

22.743 (0.001)

19 (2.7)

0.737 (0.391)


150 (17.6)

5 (3.3)


14 (13.7)


6 (4.0)


Reported drug uptake in 2014 MDA (n = 854)


603 (70.6)

6 (1.0)

0.068 (0.794)

8 (2.5)

10.243 (0.001)

16 (2.7)

0.542 (0.462)


251 (29.4)

3 (1.2)


15 (9.1)


9 (3.6)

  1. aDenominator included only males: for age group ≤ 29 and ≥ 30 there were 249 and 232 males; drug uptake in any previous MDA, 379 males swallowed the drugs while 102 did not swallow the drugs; drug uptake in 2014 MDA, 316 males swallowed the drugs while 165 did not