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Fig. 1 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 1

From: A trade-off between dry season survival longevity and wet season high net reproduction can explain the persistence of Anopheles mosquitoes

Fig. 1

Schematic of the model structure. a The modelled life stages. The aquatic stages (eggs, larvae and pupae) are grouped together as immature (I) vectors and the non-aquatic vectors as mature (M) adult mosquitoes. The parameter, p, represents the development of immature vectors to adult vectors. The parameters μI and μM are the mortality rates for the immature and mature vectors, respectively. In adverse weather, the adult vectors (M) are assumed to adapt and move into the dormant state Md. The movement (plasticity) of mosquitoes between the active and dormant compartments is modelled by the parameters d (adaptation) and w (reactivation). b The curves used to model vector rainfall-based fitness, adaptation and reactivation between the dry and the wet seasons

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