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Fig. 2 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 2

From: In silico selection of functionally important proteins from the mialome of Ornithodoros erraticus ticks and assessment of their protective efficacy as vaccine targets

Fig. 2

a Neighbour-joining analysis of the phylogenetic relationship of A0A293MYE4_ORNER (OeTSP1, red dot) and A0A293M0B7_ORNER (OeTSP2, blue dot) with their tick orthologues. Uniprot entry names are shown: AMBAU, Amblyomma aureolatum; AMBSC, A. sculptum; AMBTR, A. triste; CARMI, Carios mimon; IXORI, Ixodes ricinus; IXOSC, I. scapularis; ORNER, Ornithodoros erraticus; ORNMO, O. moubata; ORNTU, O. turicata. Evolutionary distances were computed using the Poisson correction method. Branch support values (10,000 bootstraps) for the nodes are indicated. b Linear B-cell epitope predictions for OeTSPs. The sequences of the proteins are represented in triplicate showing the ABCpred (yellow), BCEpred (blue) and BepiPred-2.0 (green) predictions. Epitopes predicted by at least two algorithms were highlighted in boxes. The predicted topology is indicated below the protein sequences to show that most epitopes mapped on the long extracellular domain: o (outside), extracellular; M, transmembrane; i, intracellular

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