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Table 1 Prevalence of asymptomatic visceral leishmaniasis in Benishangul Gumuz, western Ethiopia, by age and sex as measured by LST (n = tested positive, N = 1197), DAT (n = tested positive, N = 253) and rK39 (n = tested positive, N = 253), 2018–2020

From: Prevalence of asymptomatic visceral leishmaniasis in human and dog, Benishangul Gumuz regional state, Western Ethiopia


LST positive% (n/N)

rK39 positive% (n/N)

DAT positive% (n/N)



7.37 (59/801)

3.49 (6/172)

5.81 (10/172)


3.28 (13/396)

2.47 (2/81)

6.17 (5/81)

Age (in years) group

 < 5

0 (0/2)

0 (0/2)

0 (0/2)


9.09 (3/33)

0 (0/33)

3.03 (1/33)


30.06 (49/163)

4.29 (7/163)

6.75 (11/163)

 > 18

27.27 (15/55)

1.82 (1/55)

5.45 (3/55)