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Table 1 Hypothetical case study of the estimated financial costs of using different treatment strategies within the Kenyan national STH control programme

From: Programmatic implications of the TUMIKIA trial on community-wide treatment for soil-transmitted helminths: further health economic analyses needed before a change in policy


Number treated

Assumed cost per treatment (US$)

Estimated total financial cost per year (US$)

School-based treatment

6 million children [23]


1.8–3.4 million

Community-wide treatment

14 million individualsa


4.4–6.4 million

  1. aApproximated based on demographic data from the World Bank [24]
  2. bBased on the WHO MDA cost benchmark model [25]
  3. cEstimate from Evidence Action (a programmatic estimate for 2015) [23]
  4. dBased on the estimate from the TUMIKIA trial [4]: routine scenario (excluding the research costs) relating to whole county (i.e. estimate at scale). US$0.025 per treatment was added for the cost of albendazole [4]
  5. eBased on the estimate from the TUMIKIA trial [4]—routine scenario (excluding the research costs) relating to trial areas only. US$0.025 per treatment was added for the cost of albendazole [4]