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Table 1 Estimated probability of surviving 1 day and expectation of life for Anopheles gambiae sensu lato collected from indoor residual spraying and control communities

From: Estimating malaria transmission risk through surveillance of human–vector interactions in northern Ghana


IRS communities

Control communities

Mean parity (%)

44.6a (n = 2334)b

71.7a (n = 3226)b

Probability of vectors surviving through 1 day (p) assuming 2 days of gonotrophic cycle (%)



Probability of vectors surviving through the sporogonic cycle assuming 10 days (p10) (%)



Average expectation of life

1.2 days

3 days

  1. Results for Z-test of proportion for parity indoor residual spraying (IRS) versus control. Pooled sample proportion: 0.6035, P-value: < 0.001, Z-test statistic: − 20.35
  2. aDifferences in mean parity significant at 0.05 significance level
  3. bn refers to the number of Anopheles gambiae sensu lato dissected