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Fig. 3 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 3

From: Bartonella infections are prevalent in rodents despite efficient immune responses

Fig. 3

a–c Primary and secondary immune responses. Differences between the primary and secondary immune responses of Gerbillus andersoni (green), Gerbillus gerbillus (red), and Gerbillus pyramidum (purple), which are quantified by a the day post-infection of peak Bartonella-specific IgG antibody levels (determined based on the respective day of inoculation), b peak antibody level, and c overall antibody response (the area under the antibody dynamics curve divided by the total number of days). To standardize the comparisons between the primary and secondary responses, we used only data for the first 60 days of the former. Lines connect measures of the same individual rodent. Points and lines are horizontally jittered to make overlapping points visible

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