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Table 1 Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum and Microsporidia MB within different species of the Anopheles gambiae complex in Zinder, Niger

From: First identification of Microsporidia MB in Anopheles coluzzii from Zinder City, Niger


Anopheles species

Prevalence, % (n/N)a

Anopheles species prevalence

An. coluzzii

97.67% (251/257)

An. gambiae s.s.

2.33% (6/257)

Microsporidia MB prevalence

An. coluzzii

6.77 (17/251)

An. gambiae s.s.

0.00% (0/6)

Plasmodium falciparum prevalence

An. coluzzii

0.398 (½51)

An. gambiae s.s.

0.00% (0/6)

  1. s.s. Sensu stricto
  2. an represents the number of positive cases and N represents the total population analyzed