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Fig. 4 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 4

From: Toxocara canis-induced changes in host intestinal microbial communities

Fig. 4

Differences in species composition of flora in the CI, II and Tc groups at the phylum level. a The horizontal coordinate is the experimental group, and the vertical coordinate is the relative abundance of the species annotated to. RDP Classifer (version 1.9.1) software was used to compare the OTU representative sequence with the database for species annotation, and the confidence threshold was set to 0.6. Species not annotated at this taxonomic level and whose abundance was < 0.5% of the sample were combined as “Others”. b The top 10 species according to phylum level in the CI, II and TI groups. Note that the significance of the test of difference is marked with an asterisk at the top of the bar graph if available. c, d Differences in the Wilcox test results for Planctomycete (c) and for Spirochaetes (d). Left panel, histogram showing the relative abundance of each species within their respective groups; center panel, the log2 value of the average relative abundance ratio for the same species between the two groups; right panel, the P-value and FDR values obtained through a Wilcoxon test. If both the P-value and FDR values are < 0.05, there is a significant difference in abundance between the two groups for that species. CI, Intestine samples of dogs in control group; FDR, false discovery rate; II, intestine samples of dogs in infected group; Tc, Toxocara canis samples

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