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Fig. 4 | Parasites & Vectors

Fig. 4

From: Association between environmental gradient of anthropization and phenotypic plasticity in two species of triatomines

Fig. 4

Results were obtained for entomological indices and phenotypic differentiation of individuals belonging to Triatoma guasayana at three levels of anthropization: high, intermediate and low. The graph displays percentages for each entomological index, shape and mean size calculated for each anthropization level, utilizing a scale factor of 0.15 Procrustes distance units for improved visualization. Different letters indicate statistically significant differences between groups for the same reference at P < 0.05. Scatterplot depicting the results of the Canonical Variate Analysis (CVA) for head and wing measurements across three levels of anthropization. Wilk’s lambda values and their associated P-values for each CVA are reported. BL body length, AD anteocular distance, EW maximum interocular distance, WL wing length of the membranous region, WA area of the membranous region, CS centroid size of the right side of the head and wing. Inter-sex comparisons were made between females and males within each anthropization level. Intra-sex comparisons were made between females:females and males:males between anthropization levels

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