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Correction: The complete mitochondrial genomes of Paradiplozoon yarkandense and Paradiplozoon homoion confirm that Diplozoidae evolve at an elevated rate

The Original Article was published on 27 April 2022

Correction to: Parasites Vectors 15:149 (2022)

Following the original publication of this article [1], the authors flagged the following errors: Fig. 3 had been published upside-down; two newly sequenced species (Paradiplozoon yarkandense and Paradiplozoon homoion) had been mistakenly omitted from Figs. 4 and 5; and in the section ‘Gene overlaps’, in the sentence “A relatively large putative overlap between cytb and nad4L was conserved in both species: P. yarkandense = 10 bp, P. homoion = 16 bp (Table 1)”, cox1 had been written instead of cytb.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Gene orders in Polyopisthocotylea. Species names are followed by GenBank accession numbers. The two newly sequenced species are shaded yellow. Family-level taxonomic identity is shown to the right. Partial mitogenomes are labelled with the letter P

Fig. 4
figure 4

The base composition of mitogenomes of Polyopisthocotylea

Fig. 5
figure 5

AT and GC skews in mitogenomes of Polyopisthocotylea

The original article has since been corrected and the corrected figures may be found in this erratum for reference.


  1. Hao C-L, Arken K, Kadir M, Zhang W-R, Rong M-J, Wei N-W, Liu Y-J, Yue C. The complete mitochondrial genomes of Paradiplozoon yarkandense and Paradiplozoon homoion confirm that Diplozoidae evolve at an elevated rate. Parasites Vectors. 2022;15:149.

    Article  PubMed  PubMed Central  Google Scholar 

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Hao, CL., Arken, K., Kadir, M. et al. Correction: The complete mitochondrial genomes of Paradiplozoon yarkandense and Paradiplozoon homoion confirm that Diplozoidae evolve at an elevated rate. Parasites Vectors 15, 169 (2022).

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